독일 Digitale Geschichtswissenschaften an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (“베르린 홈볼트 대학 디지털 역사학”) 주최로 개최되는 온라인 학술 발표입니다.
발표제목: “데이터를 통해 보는 ‘한화’ 문제의 재검토: 네트워크 분석을 활용한 원대사 연구(Rethinking ‘Sinicization’ through Data: A Network Analysis Methodology for Yuan Dynasty Studies)”
발표자: Wonhee Cho (조원희, 연세대학교 사학과)
발표 요지: This presentation revisits the concept of “Sinicization” during the Yuan dynasty by employing network analysis to evaluate the centrality and cooperative dynamics of officials in Yuan court. Using data derived from the Official History of the Yuan (Yuanshi), this research interrogates the validity of traditional narratives of cultural assimilation, particularly the extent to which the Mongol administration in China adopted Han Chinese governance practices. By focusing on the relationships among central officials, this study sheds light on the evolving power dynamics between Han and non-Han elites under Mongol rule.
The methodology centers on what I have named “cooperation network analysis,” which defines connections (or edges) as instances where two or more officials were assigned to collaborate on a task, shared appointments within the same government office, or were ordered to work on common policy initiatives. Using these relationships, a network graph was generated, with nodes representing individual officials and edge weights reflecting the intensity of their interactions. Centrality metrics, particularly eigenvector centrality, were applied to identify key actors within the network and assess their influence in the administrative hierarchy.
This approach revealed patterns of collaboration that traditional qualitative methods often overlook, enabling a nuanced understanding of the administrative structure. For instance, rather than relying on preexisting assumptions about Han dominance, the analysis highlights the fluidity of administrative roles and the Mongol court’s pragmatic reliance on both Han and non-Han officials. By visualizing these interactions, the research identifies overlooked figures whose importance is substantiated through their extensive connections and influence, challenging the Sino-centric bias of the historical record.
The study also underscores the methodological challenges inherent in such an analysis, including the limitations of data consistency in the Yuanshi and the absence of biographical details for many non-Han officials. Despite these obstacles, the findings illuminate the Mongol court’s strategic adaptations in response to political and social pressures, rather than a straightforward adoption of Confucian bureaucratic models.
By integrating digital humanities tools with historical inquiry, this research not only refines our understanding of the Yuan administration but also reframes the broader historiographical debate on “Sinicization.” It demonstrates the potential of network analysis as a methodological bridge between qualitative source analysis and quantitative data-driven approaches, offering a replicable framework for investigating the interplay of ethnicity and governance in imperial contexts.
발표 링크 및 추가 안내 – 공식 인터넷 링크 참고