김병준 박사가 독일 트리어 대학의 DH센터를 다녀올 수 있었던 연구 지원 프로그램인 CLS(Computational Literary Studies) INFRA Fellowship이 마지막 기수를 뽑습니다. 일당 기준으로 체재비를 지원하고 최소4주에서 최대 12주까지 상주할 수 있습니다. 이번에도 독일 Trier 대학에 지원 가능합니다.
The CLS INFRA Fellowship Programme provides access to a wide range of data, tools and knowledge. Scholars from literary studies or with an interest in Computational Literary Studies methods are invited to apply for a fellowship grant in one of our infrastructure providers. Successful applicants will not only obtain free-of-charge physical access to the infrastructure, but in the context of the overall project they will become part of the larger CLS community. By responding to one of our calls, applicants may have the opportunity to:
Interact with experts;
Receive advice on ongoing projects;
Learn how to use the ecosystem of data, tools and standards;
Assemble new literary corpora;
Profit from hands-on training and support.
Fellowships grants will cover housing and subsistence costs as well as travel to and from the host institution. The CLS INFRA Fellowships are funded by the European Union under the rules of transnational access. DARIAH ERIC is leading the Transnational Access Fellowship Programme (TNA) and is responsible for the management and oversight of the TNA selection process.
Calls for fellowship grants will be launched twice a year for a total of six calls. Scholars from the European Union and beyond are eligible to apply. CLS INFRA fellowship grants will typically cover travel and subsistence costs. Successful applicants are expected to join the chosen infrastructure for a period of 4 to 12 weeks. However, shorter residencies will be also taken into consideration.
The sixth and last call will open on 17 June 2024. The last call will be structured on a rollling basis with the following deadlines:
- first deadline for evaluation: July 29, 2024 (notification early-mid August)
- second deadline for evaluation: September 9, 2024 (notification mid-end September)
- third deadline for evaluation: October 21, 2024 (notification early November)
- fourth deadline for evaluation: November 25, 2024 (notification early-mid December).
Please note that the places still available are scarce and the call might close earlier than foreseen. Furthermore, we cannot accept applications for fellowships finished later than February 28, 2025. Please take this into consideration prior to your submission.
The institutions participating for the first evaluation deadline are the following:
- University of Galway
- Trier University
- Charles University
N.B. Only applications from scholars based in an EU member state or in a Horizon 2020 associated country are eligible for this final call as the limit of fellowships that can be offered to scholars based in non-EU or associated countries has been reached.
CLS INFRA fellowship programme – Sciencesconf.org (sciencescall.org)