Supported by the Core University Program for Korean Studies of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and Korean Studies Promotion Service at the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS-2023-OLU-2250002), the James Joo-Jin Kim Center for Korean Studies will host the Digital Humanities and Social Sciences Korea Conference at the University of Pennsylvania on April 25, 2025. The conference aims to serve as a multidisciplinary platform that brings together digital scholarship on Korean studies across the humanities and social sciences. We welcome papers from various disciplines that explore digital data, digital platforms, and digital phenomena in historical or contemporary Korea. Research themes include but are not limited to digital platforms such as Facebook and YouTube, digital research methods such as geospatial mapping and text analysis, and the ways that online phenomena shape and are shaped by society.
Please submit your extended abstract with up to 1,000 words (references, tables and figures are not counted toward the word limit) and CV to Dr. Emily Noh ( by December 15, 2024.
The conference organizers plan to publish an edited volume that includes selected papers among those presented in the conference. All conference presenters are expected to submit their final manuscript, if selected for publication by conference organizers, to be included in the edited volume. Therefore, the submitted abstract should be based on original research and should not have been previously published or currently be under consideration for publication elsewhere that restricts further publication in the edited volume.
The timeline for submissions is:
· Extended abstract due December 15, 2024
· Notification of accepted abstracts by January 5, 2025
· Full manuscript for accepted abstracts due April 15, 2025
During the conference, conference presenters will discuss the timeline for the publication plan, including the deadline for manuscript revisions for the edited volume.
For invited participants traveling from outside of Philadelphia, the conference will cover accommodations for two nights, $500 for domestic travel within the U.S., and $1,750 for international travel. Please contact Dr. Emily Noh for questions or more information.